Friday, December 16, 2011

25 yoga questions

I found this on tumblr and thought it might be fun. I haven't done a questionnaire thingy in ages!

1.      How long have you been practicing yoga? How did you get into it?  I’ve been practicing 5 years now. An old 90s video and my sister-in-law introduced me.
2.      Have you gotten other people into yoga? I believe I have. I have a couple of girl friends tell me they started because I talk it up so much, haha.
3.      Are you a yoga teacher? If not, do you plan on becoming one? No, I am not. I plan on getting my certification. Whether I teach with it or not remains to be seen.
4.      What do you look for in a yoga teacher? What is their most important quality? I enjoy laid-back teachers that know to not take yoga (or themselves) too seriously. I like teachers that demonstrate different variations of any given pose.
5.      What do you enjoy the most about every yoga class? The full warm up. A lot of times when I’m at home I rush through warm up.
6.      How often do you practice and/or attend classes? I usually get on the mat 3 times a week. I’m working up to 6.
7.      Do you practice yoga at home? Self-guided or
8.      Strangest place that you have ever done yoga? Hmm… I hit a lot of birthday parties, haha.
9.      Favorite asana(s), least favorite asana(s), most difficult asana(s) for you? Favorites: Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, Gomukhasana, Vrksasana, Sirsasana, Malasana, Trikonasana, Camatkarasana, Ustrasana, Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana. Least favorite: Anything requiring a deep stretch in the hamstrings. Mine are very tight :( Most difficult for me: Anything requiring a deep stretch in the hamstrings, Adho Mukha Vrksasana.
10.         Something your yoga teachers adjust the most on you during yoga class? Probably my hips.
11.         Favorite type of yoga? Anusara, Kundalini, Hatha
12.         Are you Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, or GURU? I’d put myself somewhere in the beginner/intermediate range.
13.         What type of music do you like when practicing yoga? Instrumentals usually. Chanting. Nature sounds.
14.         What is your preference, morning, afternoon or evening yoga? All.
15.         What is the first thing you do right after yoga class? If I’m home, eat. If I’m at the gym I sit in the hot tub.
16.         How does yoga help you? What changes have you noticed in your lifestyle because of yoga? Yoga helps me stay calm. I’m much more patient and aware. My reactions stopped being volatile.
17.         What is easier for your body type: strength, flexibility, both? Hmm… I’m not sure. Both, maybe.
18.         Have you ever done partner yoga? No! But I’ve been wanting to try it forever!
19.         Have you ever injured yourself during yoga, if so how and what? I pulled my back once while doing Natarajasana.
20.         What do you bring to yoga class? What do you wear when practicing yoga? I bring my mat, strap, blocks and water. I usually wear yoga pants or capris and either a tank or short sleeve.
21.         Hot yoga- awesome or dangerous? I’ve never tried it, but my intuition leads to feel it’s dangerous.
22.         Front of the class or back of the room, near the wall or the center of the room? Wherever I can squeeze in!
23.         Have you or would you attend a nude yoga class? I have not and don’t know if I would…
24.         Favorite yoga videos, CD, app, etc? YOGATODAY.COM!
25.     What is the oddest thing that you have started thinking about in the middle of a yoga class? Oh man, I can’t recall. I know I’ve thought some pretty wacky things though!